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Real-Time Feed Recommendations
Learn from the behavior of your users and provide feed recommendations that improve engagement, retention, and monetization
Increase engagement and retention by showing relevant content
Drive network effects by increasing the activity on the platform
Improve revenue by monetizing highly engaged users
With Abacus.AI you can set up state-of-the-art deep learning models for feed recommendation within hours. Simplify data import using one of our fully managed connectors to fetch data from your favorite data warehouse or cloud storage bucket into Abacus.AI. No cumbersome data preparation or engineering effort to deploy the models in production is required.
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For enterprises

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Automated Pipelines and Retraining
Don't waste time in dealing with data hassles. We will automatically create your data pipeline and retrain your models. Import data directly from your favorite data warehouse or your favorite spreadsheet with just a click or an API call.
Handles New Users
Unlike other recommender AI systems, we use a combination of explore and exploit models and deep supervised learning to create the most effective feed recommendations, even when you have a large percentage of new users.
Online Learning
Our explore and exploit models learn and adjust in real time. This means we can deal with fast-changing feed and evolving user behavior.
Easy Deployment and Monitoring
With Abacus.AI you can easily deploy models into production with a click of a button or an API call. The model monitoring dashboard helps you track and prevent model drift.
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