NLP Powered Search
Search across a large number of documents and get highly relevant results based on context and intent
Get results based on intent and context instead of keywords
Search across large a number of documents within seconds
Get accuracy higher than humans at lower costs
With Abacus.AI you can set up state-of-the-art deep learning models for text search within hours. Based on your specific domain and use case, Abacus.AI can fine-tune pretrained models, apply transfer learning or simply train new language models from scratch. No cumbersome data preparation or engineering effort to deploy the models in production is required.
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For enterprises

Simple Setup
Simply upload your documents to get search results. No need to spend time on building models or tuning the hyperparameters. Abacus.AI automatically figures out the ideal hyperparameters that generate the best model.
Domain Specific Training
Abacus.AI deep learning models can understand the meaning of the text and pick up domain specific knowledge based on your training data.
Search based on context and intent
Our natural language models go beyond keyword search and are based on context and intent of the search.
Rich Console + Analytics
Our rich and user-friendly console provides an easy interface for you to evaluate the model performance and view predictions.
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